Package 'tinieR'

Title: Shrink Image Filesizes with API
Description: Shrink image filesizes with the TinyPNG API <>. From the TinyPNG website: "TinyPNG uses smart lossy compression techniques to reduce the file size of your files. By selectively decreasing the number of colors in the image, fewer bytes are required to store the data. The effect is nearly invisible but it makes a very large difference in file size!" TinieR works with .png and .jpg/.jpeg files, and can return the new image filepath to enable embedding in other image workflows/functions.
Authors: James Adams [aut, cre]
Maintainer: James Adams <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 0.5.0
Built: 2025-02-12 04:56:47 UTC

Help Index

Save a plot to a file and automatically shrink it


Save a plot to a file and automatically shrink it with tinify().


  filename = "plot",
  path = NULL,
  device = "png",
  ragg = FALSE,
  keep_large = FALSE,
  key = NULL,

  filename = "plot",
  path = NULL,
  plot = ggplot2::last_plot(),
  device = "png",
  keep_large = FALSE,
  key = NULL,



String, required. The name to give the output image file. Do not include a file extension.


String, optional. If NULL, defaults to the current working directory. The path to save the image file into, relative to the current working directly. Do not include the final trailing path separator.


String, optional. Defaults to "png". One of "png" or "jpg", to choose the output image file type. TinyPNG only supports png or jpg image types.


Boolean, optional. Defaults to FALSE. Whether to use the ragg package as the device backend to generate the image. Will error if ragg is not installed, but does not need to be loaded.


Boolean, optional. Defaults to FALSE. Whether to keep the unshrunk original image file alongside the tiny version, or just keep the shrunk file.


String, optional. If keep_large is TRUE, the suffix to add to the shrunk file. Ignored if keep_large is FALSE.


Boolean, optional. If set to TRUE, tinify() displays no information messages as it shrinks files.


String or NULL, optional. One of "proj", "rel", "abs", or "all". If "proj", will return the file path of the newly tinified image file relative to the Rstudio project directory (looking for an .Rproj file). If no project can be identified, returns NA. If "rel", will return the file path of the newly tinified image file, relative to the current working directory at the time tinify() is called. If "abs", will return the absolute file path of the newly tinified image file. If "all", will return a named list with all file paths. If NULL (the default), no file path is returned.


String, optional. A string containing your TinyPNG API key. Not required if the API key is set using tinify_api(). Any other key provided as an argument will override the key set by tinify_api().


Additional plot options, passed directly to either png()/ragg::agg_png(), jpeg()/ragg::agg_jpeg(), or ggplot2::ggsave() depending on method used.


Object, optional. The plot object to export. Defaults to the last plot modified or created (using ggplot2::last_plot()) if not provided.


These are convenience functions to wrap saving either a base R plot with png() or jpeg() devices, or a ggplot object with ggplot2::ggsave(), before passing the resulting image file directly to tinify(). Can also make use of the ragg package for base plots if installed.


If return_path = "proj", return_path = "rel", or return_path = "abs", a string with the project, relative, or absolute path to the newly tinified image file. If no project can be identified for return_path = "proj", returns NA. If return_path = "all", a named list with all file paths included as ⁠$project⁠, ⁠$relative⁠, and ⁠$absolute⁠ respectively. If return_path = NULL, no return value.

Using with base R plots

To save and shrink a base R plot, print the plot and call petit_plot() immediately after. Under the hood, this uses recordPlot() to capture and replay the last plot created within the chosen device with the applied options:

plot(mtcars$mpg, mtcars$drat)

petit_plot(filename = "mtcars")

Using with ggplot

To save and shrink a ggplot, either create, modify, or show the plot and call petit_plot() immediately after, in a similar process to base R plots:

ggplot(data = palmerpenguins::penguins,
       aes(flipper_length_mm, body_mass_g)) +
geom_point(aes(color = species))

petit_plot(filename = "penguins")

Or use petit_ggplot() to capture specifically the last ggplot created or modified:

ggplot(data = palmerpenguins::penguins,
       aes(flipper_length_mm, body_mass_g)) +
geom_point(aes(color = species))

petit_ggplot(filename = "penguins")

Or provide the plot object explicitly to petit_ggplot() with plot:

p <- ggplot(data = palmerpenguins::penguins,
            aes(flipper_length_mm, body_mass_g)) +
     geom_point(aes(color = species))

petit_ggplot(filename = "penguins", plot = p)

See Also


tinify_key() to set an API key globally

tinify_defaults() to set default arguments that will be used if not provided explicitly

Shrink image files with TinyPNG


Shrink an image's (PNG or JPG) filesize with the TinyPNG API.


tinify(file, overwrite, suffix, quiet, return_path, resize, key = NULL)



String, required. A string detailing the path to the file you wish to shrink, relative to the current working directory or as an absolute file path. Can include sub-directories and must include the file extension (.png or .jpg/.jpeg only).


Boolean, defaults to FALSE. By default, tinify will create a new file with the suffix '_tiny' and preserve the original file. Set TRUE to instead overwrite the original file, with the same file name.


String, defaults to "_tiny". By default, tinify will create a new file with the suffix '_tiny' and preserve the original file. Provide a new character string here to change the suffix from '_tiny' to your own choice. Empty strings ("") are not accepted. suffix is ignored when overwrite is set to TRUE.


Boolean, defaults to FALSE. By default, tinify provides details on file names, amount of file size reduction (% and Kb), and the number of TinyPNG API calls made this month. If set to TRUE, tinify displays no messages as it shrinks files.


String or NULL, optional. One of "proj", "rel", "abs", or "all". If "proj", will return the file path of the newly tinified image file relative to the Rstudio project directory (looking for an .Rproj file). If no project can be identified, returns NA. If "rel", will return the file path of the newly tinified image file, relative to the current working directory at the time tinify() is called. If "abs", will return the absolute file path of the newly tinified image file. If "all", will return a named list with all file paths. If NULL (the default), no file path is returned.


Named list or NULL, optional. A named list with the elements method as a string, and width and/or height as numerics. Please note you can only reduce an image's dimensions and make an image smaller with TinyPNG API, not make an image larger. Method must be set to one of "scale", "fit", "cover", or "thumb". If using "scale", you only need to provide width OR height, not both. If using any other method, you must supply both a width AND height. See and the examples for more. If NULL (the default), no resizing takes place.


String, optional. A string containing your TinyPNG API key. Not required if the API key is set using tinify_api(). If an API key is provided with tinify_api(), any other key provided in the function call will override the key set by tinify_api().


If return_path = "proj", return_path = "rel", or return_path = "abs", a string with the project, relative, or absolute path to the newly tinified image file. If no project can be identified for return_path = "proj", returns NA. If return_path = "all", a named list with all file paths included as ⁠$project⁠, ⁠$relative⁠, and ⁠$absolute⁠ respectively. If return_path = NULL, no return value.


If any argument is provided to tinify() when called, it will overwrite the default option set by tinify_defaults().


You can get a TinyPNG API key from TinyPNG is smart enough to know when you are uploading the same file again, and so will not count repeat calls of tinify() on the same image file against your monthly API usage limit. This can be useful if, for example, you are using tinify() in an RMarkdown document as it won't count against your API usage every time you knit your document. But, be aware that use of resize also counts as an additional API call, as the image is first reduced in filesize, then a second API call is made to resize the newly tinified file.

See Also

tinify_key() to set an API key globally so it does not need to be provided with every call of tinify()

tinify_defaults() to set default arguments so they do not need to be provided with every call of tinify()


## Not run: 
# Shrink a PNG file

img <- system.file("extdata", "example.png", package = "tinieR")


# Also works with JPEG/JPG files

img_jpg <- system.file("extdata", "example.jpg", package = "tinieR")


# Return absolute path to newly shrunk file:

shrunk_img <- tinify(img, return_path = "abs")

# Suppress messages detailing file reduction amount:

tinify(img, quiet = TRUE)

# Overwrite original file in place:

tinify(img, overwrite = TRUE)

# Change suffix on new file:

tinify(img, suffix = "_small")

# Resize an image with the method "scale", only providing a width:

tinify(img, resize = list(method = "scale", width = 300))

# Or resize an image with any other method by providing both width and height:

tinify(img, resize = list(method = "cover", width = 300, height = 150))

# Overwrite a global API key set in tinify_api():

tinify(img, key = "NEW-API-KEY-HERE")

# You can combine any of the above:

       overwrite = TRUE,
       quiet = TRUE,
       return_path = "rel")

# Plays nice with the pipe:

img %>% tinify()

# And with purrr::map for multiple files:

imgs <- c("example.png", "example2.png")

purrr::map(imgs, ~tinify(.x))

# An example method for shrinking an entire directory:

imgs_dir <- fs::dir_ls("imgs", glob = "*.png")

purrr::map(imgs_dir, ~tinify(.x, overwrite = TRUE, quiet = TRUE))

## End(Not run)

Set defaults for tinify() function


Set some default options for tinify() in the global environment, so it is no longer necessary to explicitly provide each argument with every call of tinify().

If called without any arguments, tinify_defaults() will print the current default options set to the console.


tinify_defaults(overwrite, suffix, quiet, return_path, resize)



Boolean, defaults to FALSE. By default, tinify will create a new file with the suffix '_tiny' and preserve the original file. Set TRUE to instead overwrite the original file, with the same file name.


String, defaults to "_tiny". By default, tinify will create a new file with the suffix '_tiny' and preserve the original file. Provide a new character string here to change the suffix from '_tiny' to your own choice. Empty strings ("") are not accepted. suffix is ignored when overwrite is set to TRUE.


Boolean, defaults to FALSE. By default, tinify provides details on file names, amount of file size reduction (% and Kb), and the number of TinyPNG API calls made this month. If set to TRUE, tinify displays no messages as it shrinks files.


String or NULL, optional. One of "proj", "rel", "abs", or "all". If "proj", will return the file path of the newly tinified image file relative to the Rstudio project directory (looking for an .Rproj file). If no project can be identified, returns NA. If "rel", will return the file path of the newly tinified image file, relative to the current working directory at the time tinify() is called. If "abs", will return the absolute file path of the newly tinified image file. If "all", will return a named list with all file paths. Set to NULL to stop returning a file path.


Named list or NULL, optional. A named list with the elements method as a string, and width and/or height as numerics. Please note you can only reduce an image's dimensions and make an image smaller with TinyPNG API, not make an image larger. Method must be set to one of "scale", "fit", "cover", or "thumb". If using "scale", you only need to provide width OR height, not both. If using any other method, you must supply both a width AND height. See and the examples for more. Set to NULL to stop resizing.

See Also

tinify() to shrink image filesizes

tinify_key() to set a default API key


## Not run: 

tinify_defaults(quiet = TRUE, suffix = "_small")

# show current defaults set

#> Tinify 'overwrite' set to: FALSE
#> Tinify 'suffix' set to: "_small"
#> Tinify 'quiet' set to: FALSE
#> Tinify 'return_path' set to: No return
#> Tinify 'resize' set to: No resize

## End(Not run)

Set API Key


Set your TinyPNG API key in the system environment, so it is no longer necessary to explicitly provide an API key with every call of tinify().





A string containing your API key.


You can get a TinyPNG API key from

See Also

tinify() to shrink image filesizes

tinify_defaults() to set default arguments so they do not need to be provided with every call of tinify()


## Not run: 

## End(Not run)